
S1 Safety First

The first safety stirrups born out of the horse-breeding know-how and passion for riding of the founders of Safe Riding.

The aim is to ensure safe, comfortable and stylish riding for athletes and riding enthusiasts.

S1 Safety First are 100% safe stirrups, which can open in any situation, releasing the rider’s foot and avoiding the risk of getting caught.

S1 Safety First

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S2 Safety First

S2 Safety First are safety stirrups designed for women. They are built using an aeronautical alloy, making them not only lightweight but also very strong.

Slightly smaller and lighter than the S1, the S2 Safety Stirrups adapt perfectly to the riding boot, ensuring the safety that is the hallmark of SAFE RIDING riding accessories.

S2 Safety First

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The stirrups that pack all the safety features of Safe Riding products into a mere 480g, with an even more glam style.
The structure, made of light ANTICORODAL aluminium alloy, is available in six anodised colours to meet the needs of all riders for both professional and amateur use.

S-Light are stirrups designed to expand our product range to a younger audience without sacrificing comfort, robustness and the well-known safety systems already used on the S1 and S2.


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S-Mini, la staffa di sicurezza per i cavalieri più giovani

S-Mini è la staffa di sicurezza creata da Safe Riding per accompagnare i bambini che dalle prime volte in sella fino ai 14 anni, desiderano esplorare il fantastico mondo dell’equitazione. Un minore spazio fra pedana e arco di sicurezza, pensato per accogliere una calzata più piccola, e i soli 430 gr. di peso donati dalla struttura in lega leggera di alluminio ANTICORODAL, sono le caratteristiche della staffa S-Mini, che assicura comunque comfort, robustezza e sicurezza firmate Safe Riding. S-Mini è proposta in quattro colorazioni (Blue Lagoon, Green Forest, Red Berry e Picasso Lily) ed è personalizzabile grazie a una serie di clip colorate e glamour.


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Which stirrups are right for you?

S1 Safety Stirrups

€ 330,00

Material: aluminium + magnesium

Changeable cover included

Weight per pair: 1.6kg

S2 Safety Stirrups

€ 390,00

Material: Ergal aluminium

Interchangeable cover included

Weight per pair: 1.4kg

S-Light Safety Stirrups

€ 280,00

Material: Anticorodal aluminium

Cover sold separately

Weight per pair: 960g

Safety Stirrups S-Mini (for kids)

€ 240,00

Material: Anticorodal aluminium

Cover sold separately

Weight per pair: 800g